Aim of the Policy:-  

This policy is intended to set out values, principles and policies underlining our homes approach to staff supervision.  

Policy Statement:-  

This home believes that staff supervision is an essential role in developing and maintaining a high care standard and with that, help support and develop individual care staff.  


Our home understands that clinical supervision is a formal arrangement that enables each member of its care team to discuss his or her work regularly with another experienced practitioner.  The experienced practitioner, who will be known as your Supervisor, facilitates the discussion with the less experienced staff member, known as supervisee.  This home understands that the aim of supervision is to include the following:  

a)         Identify solutions to problems.

b)         Improve practice.

c)         Increase understanding of work-related issues.

            All clinical supervision practiced in this home has three core functions which are:-


            1)         Provide support to care staff in their work

            2)         Promote personal and professional development

            3)         Promote quality care  

All care workers must have a nominated supervisor whose name will be entered in their personal development file.  Staff will be given a say as to who their Supervisor will be, as far as is humanly possible.  All care workers will have at least one formal supervision session lasting at least one hour every two months.  Supervision time will be planned and uninterrupted.  Sessions will be held in private and entirely confidential.  Supervision time will be taken while on duty at a time convenient to other care workers on duty and to the service users.  Supervision sessions will be agreed between the Supervisor and supervisee, setting out how they will be conducted.  

The staff members at Hill Brow that can act as Supervisors are:  

Alison Lee                               Helen Wolff                            Lorraine Eaves

Claire Hamments                    Katherine Lee

David Saul                              Maggie Lamplugh                                             

Each Supervisor will have no more than four or five supervisee’s at any one time.  All Supervisors will have clinical expertise, excellent interpersonal skills and a facilitative attitude to others.  All new Supervisors will be selected by management.  

Basic Principles:-  

This home is committed to ensuring the following:-  

a)         Clinical supervision is available to all care workers, i.e., Management, Senior and Junior Care Assistants employed at this home.  

b)         Staff will be able to influence the selection of their Supervisor.  

c)         Supervision sessions will be confidential, recorded only by the supervisee, but disclosure of information which contravenes the UKCC Code of Conduct will be recorded by the Supervisor and acted upon.  

d)         Clinical supervision will not be used to assess performance or competence.  

e)         Clinical supervision is distinct from managerial processes even when staff wish to have clinical supervision with their home manager.  

f)         Staff and Supervisors will have training in the process of supervision.  

g)         The process of clinical supervision should always be practitioner led and practice focused.  

The Supervision Process:-  

A preliminary session should be planned between the Supervisor and the member of staff being supervised to formally discuss supervision, how it might take place and what they hope to achieve in supervision.  

The clinical supervision contract will be discussed and explored.  At the next meeting the contract will be agreed and signed by both the Supervisor and supervisee.  Confidentiality and its boundaries will be written into the contract.  Supervision will be held once every two months and will last approximately 50 minutes so that Supervisor and supervisee have 10 minutes to reflect on the interaction before they continue with their work.  Staff are responsible for keeping their own record of supervision but these will be signed by both parties.  

Evaluation and Review:-  

At the end of every negotiated period of individual supervision, the contract should be re-negotiated.  Individual supervision may now take on a different form and be held less frequently.  This will be discussed with the Supervisor. 


Training is required to prepare staff to engage in the process for maximum gain.  Training will be provided through an accredited supervision course for Supervisors. 


Signed:                        ………………………………………………………..  

Date:                           ………………………………………………………..  

Policy review date:     ………………………………………………………..