‘I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils’ (Wordsworth)

The ‘host of golden daffodils’ now in bloom at Hill House!

Primroses blooming at Hill House

Spring garden Hill House

‘Terry Owens’ Entertains!
During the afternoon of Friday 20th April residents enjoyed a special musical treat performed by Terry Owens. Terry entertained everyone with his ‘Afternoon Cabaret’ of different songs from yesteryear. During the performance he interviewed a number of residents and paid special tribute to the footballing career of his old friend Ron. Ron was very moved by this and it even brought a tear to his eye as he listened to Terry speak and sing to him! Everyone was soon singing, and in some cases, even dancing along to the musical performance. After wards the audience enjoyed tea, coffee and homemade cakes. It is fair to say it was very much enjoyed by everyone present!


St. George’s Day Tea Party
On Monday 23rd April residents celebrated St. George’s Day. During the morning residents enjoyed a themed quiz on St. George’s Day encompassing all things English, then in the afternoon residents from across the home came together for a St. George’s Day tea party. Here they enjoyed some St. George’s Day facts and legend, as well as some poetry in celebration of the Saint’s day. They enjoyed drinking sherry and wine, along with cheese, biscuits, grapes and quince jelly. They enjoyed delicious sweet treats such as cinnamon soaked ‘Golden Slices’ lemon cream wafers and a very patriotic iced sponge cake with the George cross upon it! They also listened to a compilation of traditional English music including ‘There’ll Always be an England!’ and other patriotic tunes.