On the afternoon of Friday 25th May, Farnham Mill opened its brand-new doors to host the annual talent show. Staff from across all four homes, Woodlands, Hill Brow, Hill House and Farnham Mill itself all entered teams for what turned out to be a wonderfully entertaining event. Some residents and relatives also attended, as well as staff, all of whom were given the opportunity to see our fabulous new home for the very first time. The event took place on the second floor of the new home, with the back drop of the serene mill pond and trees in the background which was much admired.

Five different teams entered as follows: ‘The Adminions,’’Hill Brow Hakas,’ ‘Woodlands Hopefuls,’ ‘Hill House Sunflowers,’ and representing Farnham Mill ‘The Millside Maidens.’ First ‘The Adminions’ brought us their cute version of ‘Doh a Deer!’ in fabulous matching outfits very cleverly made by Andy in accounts. Credit to our Louis who even managed to sing a solo to begin with despite getting over a severe sore throat! Then, the ‘Hillbrow Hakas’ grass skirts, face paint and all, danced, shimmied and then broke into a full blown New Zealand style haka that even had some people crying with laughter!

After this the ‘Millside Maidens’ dressed for the seaside with props to match sang a tribute to the new home ‘I Do Like to be Beside the Millside!’ encouraging everyone to join in. Then the ‘Woodlands Hopefuls’ sung a delightful song about sunflowers with Amy doing a solo. The team wore beautifully made sunflower headgear, reflecting the company ethos of the sunflower as well as the fact of there now being four homes in the group. Finally the ‘Hill House Sunflowers’ sang ‘You are my Sunshine’ with nodding sunflowers, sunflower adorned tee shirts and deely boppers, accompanied by Grace on the guitar.

Following this Lorraine and Jade working hard in the wonderful new kitchen served a fabulous afternoon buffet with sandwiches, cupcakes, various hot savouries, tea, coffee, soft drinks and juice for everyone in attendance. As the audience enjoyed refreshments, they enjoyed watching a video (the second part of The Hill House Sunflowers’ performance.) This video very skilfully created by our volunteer David featured all the staff and a lot of the residents. It also beautifully represented the Woodlands-hillbrow ethos of the sunflower and its values, longevity, adoration, and loyalty. It is fair to say, so moving it was that it brought a tear to many an eye as they watched residents both past and present that they have supported.

Having reviewed the performances, Alison then called everyone together to announce the overall winners of the talent show. It was decided that all five teams deserved recognition so on that basis, prizes were awarded for ‘Best Costumes,’ ‘Most Creative,’ ‘Best Song,’ ‘Most Entertaining’ and ‘Best Props’ whereupon everyone who had performed was allowed a mystery sunflower themed prize. After this, tours were conducted of the new home. Residents and relatives were very impressed with the rooms, facilities, building and gardens of Farnham Mill, ready now to receive new residents. All in all, it was an afternoon of warmth, love and laughter that truly reflected the Woodlands & HillBrow Group ethos, and the genuine care, love and passion we all have for whatever job we do in our roles within the company.

‘The Adminions’ entertain the audience at the talent show with their version of ‘Doe a Deer!’ from the Sound of Music

‘Oh I do like to be beside the Millside!’ as sung by ‘The Millside Maidens’

The ‘Woodlands Hopefuls’ sing their wonderful Sunflower song

‘The Hill Brow Hakas’ made everyone laugh!

The Hill House Sunflowers sing ‘You are my Sunshine!’ and present a video which brought a tear to many eyes!