On Friday 1st March we were entertained, once again, by Mike Burley. Mike always puts on a wonderful show with lots of songs we all know and love.
Tuesday 5th March was Shrove Tuesday so the cooking of pancakes was the obvious activity for today. We managed to get the families involved in this and great fun was had by all.
Our domino club is growing rapidly with a couple of sessions a week on the go now. On the 6th after our Daily Sparkle in the morning we got down to it after lunch.
Pat the dog visits are one of our high lights and brought a smile to everyone’s face on 7th.
On the 8th in the morning we had our exercise session. This time we played skittles and coloured ball throw.
After lunch on the 8th March Keith Turner entertained us. We all had a really jolly time singing and dancing to his songs.
After the Sunday papers and lunch, David’s family joined us to celebrate his birthday.
Monday 11th March was the occasion for the families and residents six monthly meeting presided over by Alison Lee, the proprietor. It ended with a very sad event for us as our main activities co-ordinator, Ana Maria is retiring and returning home to Portugal. We held a tea party at the end of the meeting during which we presented leaving presents to her and many tears were flowing.
Tuesday 12th we balloon bounce followed by Proverbs and sayings.
Wednesday 13th March was Ana Maria’s last day at work and she treated all the residents to Sherry, Port and cakes.
Friday 15th March was red nose day and the morning spent painting various red nosed faces.
Also on Friday 15th March we were entertained by Ray Martin on guitar and accordion singing a large selection of well known songs with a strong Irish theme in honour of St Patrick’s Day which was on Sunday. This was certainly a rousing afternoon with lots of people in very good voice.
In the morning of Sunday 17th March we celebrated St Patrick’s day with Irish music, Guinness and snack nibbles.
We also celebrated Joan’s birthday with a lovely cake.
Monday the 18th after News Chat we had our chair exercise class. Today we played quoits.
The dominos were out again on the 19th.
We celebrated the arrival of Spring with tree and spring flower planting, help by some lovely young children.
The spring equinox was on Thursday 21st March and we celebrated with an art session with residents painting pictures of spring flowers.
On Friday 22nd March we were joined by our friends from Hill Brow and Woodlands
When Emma came to lead a sing-song for everyone. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful afternoon singing a wide variety of songs
Tuesday was a day of games and quiz’s.
The 27th was a beautiful Sunny day. The air was a little fresh but is was wonderful to get outside.
On the morning of Thursday 28th there was another painting session and the order of the day was all things Spring.
The last main event in March was on Friday 29th March when Phoebe came to entertain us with singing to cover music and her own accompaniment on keyboard. She also gave us a recital on violin. A very pleasant afternoon to celebrate Mothering Sunday.