Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Hill House nursing home has recognised that the happiness of its residents is built through putting on additional and well thought out social activities.

With 3 full time activities coordinators and additional support from the care staff, the home puts great emphasis on social activities for older people. Activities that stimulate the brain such as music appreciation, singing for the brain or crosswords, reduce the effects of psychological and mental disorders, as well as help to release happy hormones such as serotonin.

In addition, the team organises daily physical exercise to keep older people mobile and independent, the physical exercises sometimes are disguised as physiotherapy groups or golf on the putting green, or even gardening in the raised sensory or vegetable gardens.

All activities are tailored to each individual resident, so for someone that enjoys bridge they can continue to do that, with the support and confidence of the care team. When someone first moves in, they meet with a senior activity’s coordinator and plan their preferences of how they wish to spend their days. The team are trained in the art of identifying a plan, which will help reduce the progression of mental illnesses such as loneliness or dementia as well as hopefully, reduce the effects from physical conditions such as heart disease and Parkinson‘s.

The team have access to lots of facilities within the home, from interactive computers which are projected onto floors, tables or walls, to arranging social events such as, afternoon tea or wine tasting. some residents like to be in the centre of things, and take advantage of the many activities offered such as quizzes, cookery, poetry, arts and crafts, making friends at the House pub, barbecues in the garden, visiting animals, and film club. Others prefer their own company, with visits from the activity team in their rooms, tailored to their own hobbies and interests.

The monthly plan of activities at Hill House is made during the residents committee meeting, which the activity coordinators and whole home attends either in person or virtually, chaired by one of the Directors.

The activities and care team at Hill House recognize how important for the residents’ well-being and happiness it is to keep the residents and their loved ones in contact.  Initially during the pandemic, this was done through regular Skyping, FaceTime and zoom sessions. Then the team worked out safe systems of visiting in person. Hill House has adopted a system of regular visits for residents and relatives, initially through the ‘window visits’, now through ‘garden gazebo visits’, to keep people in touch with their loved ones. They signify this with ribbons tied to a tree.

If you would like further details on how to stay at Hill House please contact Elizabeth Butt on 01252 850236 or via