Hill house celebrated two very British practices this week, one being bonfire night, which dates to the gun powder plot where Guy Fawkes tried and failed to blow up the houses of parliament, with an incredible firework display. The second being remembrance Sunday a day of remembering the brave people who were lost in the war. The week was also packed with a wide range of activities from crafts, brain training and a whole lot of laughter.

Monday mornings activity programme offered us the opportunity to get creative while reflecting of the importance of Remembrance Day, as we handmade poppies and wreaths to be displayed as part of our Remembrance Day service on Sunday.

That afternoon we joined a wide range of activiteis on offer, we started a new 500 peiece jigsaw puzzle, took part in theraputric colour session in the lounge themed around bonfire night, and others oteded for indepent activities ranging from sensory ashape puzzles and a game of dominos.

Tuesday morning, we played a group game of balloon bounce, others made the most of the atumn sunshoen as took walks aroudn the grounds to see the stunning winter pots that have been planted up, adding pops of colour to the boarders and pathways.

Tuesday afternoon saw us making a Guy to celebrate the bonfire night, we stuffed old clothes with rolled up newspaper and added a cheeky feature’s like gloves and a facemask. Traditionally, you would make a “Guy”, or life-size, scarecrow-like model of Guy Fawkes, which would be thrown onto the communal bonfire during the bonfire night celebrations. Our amazing guys were not destine for the bonfire instead where displayed with pride in the lounge, not before being paraded through the home and enjoying a photoshoot with us, it brought so much laughter and comedy to all of us. It even sparked a small newspaper fight between cheeky residents who targeted staff as they passed by and tried to duck for cover!

Wednesday morning garden view lounge enjoyed an energetic Elvis inspired chair-based exercise class where we shook rattled and rolled our arms and legs, a perfect way to start the day. Others opted for games of a group game of dominos in the lounge or water colour painting.

Art based activities isn’t about being the best artist in the room. It’s about the connections between creative choices made and one’s inner self.

The afternoon we played a game of balloon tennis, the ball flow around the room. Alternatively, a large group of us spent the afternoon competing in carpet bowls competition.

Thursday morning, we played giant snakes and ladders and skittles in the garden view lounges.

Others enjoyed a creative take on fireworks using paints to create a night-time scene, from Catharine wheels to rockets.

We played quiz games on the interactive activity centre, tossing bean bags onto the right answers, others created stunning flower displays with this week’s floral arrangements.

We celebrated a very special ladies 95th birthday in style with an afternoon tea party.

We celebrated with a bang as we were treated to a Bonfire Night spectacular display of fireworks. We loved our gun powder treat of hot chocolate, cream and marshmallows while watching the dazzling display. All the staff went above and beyond from the themed super served of hot dogs, the activities team created a hot chocolate cart that was just as bright and inviting as the fireworks and maintenance for being out in the cold organising the display.
One resident commented “being born of November 5th I have seen many displays over the years, this is by far the best display I’ve ever seen”.

Friday morning, in the garden view lounge we worked to complete a 250peiece jigsaw puzzle. Alteritivly we added last weeks actviities and pictures to our scrapbooks, remincning and talking about the fun we had and the activties we enjoyed the most.

Others met in the lounge for a mornign of knitting and nattering as part of our social group, encourgeing different residnets to engage with others they might not see often, the conversation was flowwing and small groups formed and the roomn was fileld with laughter and lots of tea and cake.

Friday afternoon the amazing activities team hosted a birthday high tea for a special lady’s birthday with her friends, there was singing and dancing and of course lots of cakes.

This week’s giant crossword puzzle was enjoyed my many, its great to get us thinking and learning new things.

A very special letter arrived for a very special lady whose daughter had sent in a poppy badge pin with a note attached, explain how mum has been part of the Queen Alexandra nursing Corp and every year she bring her the poppy pin with the emblem on.

Saturday was packed with activities; we started the morning with chair-based stretches followed by reminiscing session on remembrance Sunday we shared war time stories with one and other.

We coloured and painted poppies for a window mural in the front entrance ready for Sunday. And the afternoon we watch a war time movie, while enjoying refreshments from the movie cart.

For those who didn’t want to watch the movie, we played games on the interactive activity table.

Remembrance Sunday is an important event to all of us at Hill House, it is a time for us remember those who were lost in the war by holding a two-minute silence and by wearing a red poppy. We took great pride in making our donation and wearing our poppies before the service started.

Sunday afternoon we loved a Remembrance Day themed brain training game and a group game of floor bowls in garden view lounge.