Monday morning, we started our week with a look through family photo albums, we spoke about our gardens through the years and the wildlife they attracted. Others spent the morning creating stunning painting of birds or completing jigsaw puzzles.

That afternoon on our Garden view wing we played board games such as snakes and ladders, used our Aqua art board to paint a robin while listening to music.

Monday marked a sad day across the Woodlands-Brow company as we said Goodbye to the amazingly outstanding Elizabeth it was the day that she retired. Elizabeth was our manager (Resident lesion manager) there was never anything too much for her and she was always smiling. We will miss her dearly, so we were delighted to help the activities and kitchen team create and set up a stunning leaving party for her. We listened as the directors and staff wished her luck and showered her in gifts, we then all enjoyed a stunning buffet, drinks and spent time saying our goodbyes to this incredible lady.

Tuesday morning, the activities team granted another wish here at Hill House. “I wish to feed the birds” and of course our team went one step further and ensured that after feeding the birds by hanging new feeders and refilling the current feeders, the new bird feeder was placed directly outside the bedroom window so over the coming weeks we could see the birds feeding and also the naughty hungry squirrel. What a perfect way to welcome spring.

In addition to the physical exercise attained through common household tasks, we found that completing these every day tasks,  gave us a hightened sense of purpose and accomplishment, thus contributing to both physical and mental health.

Garden view wing spent the morning enjoying a coffee in the spring sun shine or playing a game or two of dominoes.

That afternoon we made bird feeders using reycled materials. We decorated old bean cans used odd ends of ribbons and broken bamboo sticks we crafted stunning bird feeders filled with a mixture of suet, peanutbutter and bird feed.

The afternnon contunied with a compettitive game of ping pong / table tennis in the gardenview wing, before we danced and sung on the kareoke to some of our favitote songs; sweet caroline and blue suade shoes.

We enjoy spending time out in the garden on warm spring days.

Skittles is a favorite here at Hill House and Wednesday we played a group game, we love the light hearted competition but most importantly the fact it brings a group of us together a encourages us to make new friends and have a laugh together. Others opted for alterive activities, sensory shape puzzles, floor darts and the interactive activity centre.


After lunch we worked on a group art projects, we each decorated a parrot using a variety of mediums, feathers, bark, paints and colours, and we displayed the finished parrots on display as part of the bird table.

Our Garden View wing took on a game of RummyKub, Not only is RummyKub a fun game to play, it’s also great for the brain, working our memory, RummyKub requires our full attention and asks us to continuously think of rearranging and adding tiles to the table.

The sensory pup responds to petting, hugging and motion much like the real ones you know and love. This personally rich experience brings joy and comfort to everyone who interacts with them and they love having their fur brushed. Thursday morning, we engaged in a mixture of sensory activities across the home, we completed jigsaw puzzles, arranging floral arrangements for the home, visited our in-house hair dresser and enjoyed hand massages and manicures.

We were donated a stunning bunch of exotic flowers, and we spent the afternoon arranging them into water oasis, the selection of flowers got conversation following as we tried to name them together. We remembered one was the bird of paradise flower but couldn’t remember its official name. the home smelt like a florist as you moved around the home the smell followed you. We completed maths quizzes and watched singing in the rain in the garden view wing while enjoying ice-creams and sweets.

Friday on our Garden View wing we added to our scrapbooks, adding pictures of all the fun activities and events we get up to here at Hill House, it sparks conversation and trigger memorise,

A group game of floor bowls was enjoyed in the lounge as we worked in teams to win points, and of course win prizes of our choice. Others watched on while knitting and listening to elvis music on our Alexia.

Friday afternoon, our knitters sat together drinking tea and knitting squares for our blankets, others relaxed and enjoyed therapeutic painting. Jigsaw puzzles provide exercise for our fingers and minds, we have fun, and feel a sense of accomplishment throughout.

A game of floor darts drew a big crowed in the afternoon, floor darts and ball games are all part of the varied exercise programme on offer, why not have fun while exercising.

Using a football and the OMI interactive activity centre we can complete challenges and exercise at the same time, as the ball rolled over the object, we were able to crack eggs let bird fly and it played songs throughout.

Saturday morning, we spent time out in the spring sunshine enjoying walks and hanging extra bird feeders out around the gardens.

Saturday afternoon cooking club met and together they baked fruit muffins for everyone to enjoy with their afternoon teas and coffees.

Others spent the afternoon out in the garden checking out the pot plants and enjoying the afternoons sun and fresh air.

Sunday, we spent time on skype calls with family and POD visits making and sharing memories.

Over the week we have received post from the local Fleet primary school children who have painting and creating art work and cards inspired by valentine’s day we have loved receiving the post and spent time opening them together reading their messages and looking at their art work.

Seeing the drawings and painting reminded us of our grandchildren and even our children when they would bring projects home from school, it was always tough to decide what to keep and display with pride. We have displayed all these stunning artworks with pride in our lounge hung up for everyone to enjoy.