What better way to celebrate St George himself than tucking into Fish and Chips from the local chip shop. Ouractivities team made this week really special as we celebrated the country we live in, the sun was shinning on us aswe took activities outdoors most of the week, playing games, eating outdoors and spending time with loved ones.

On Monday the start of a new week here at Hill house, this week’s theme is England as we celebrate St Georges Day.

A group of us met to add pictures to our scrapbook, updating memories made in previous weeks.


Other’s spent timwe in the garden enjoyign time tending to the plants and watchignt he baby birds flya round.

Our garden vierw patio was dressed as we opted to dine alfresco in the spring sunshine.

After lunch more of us ventured into the gardens here at Hill house, although there was a slight breeze nothing a coat couldn’t sort, with weather this warm in April we were determined to make the most of the sunshine, we played dominoes and snacks and ladders outside. Our new men’s club met in a different area of the gardens and spent theafternoon chatting away about the good old days. Others spent time painting in the sunshine.


Tuesday morning, we played games on the garden view patio or read our daily newspapers.


Our themed quiz this week was a picture quiz of famous English landmarks and we had to guess there names andthen spent time chatting about if we had ever visited them or where in the country we thought they were. Aftergiving our brains a work out it was time for some light exercise while playing giant snakes and ladders as a group.

That afternoon our English them continued as we were treated to a fantastic English Food themed tasting cart. All the food was named after a place in England; Cornish pasties, Bakewell tarts, Cumberland sausage and red Lester cheeseto name a few.


In addition to the food tasting cart, we engaged in a music sing along in the garden with instruments or completedsensory shape puzzle in our garden view lounge while listening to Patsy Cline.


Wednesday morning, we got creative as we made a new batch of greeting cards. The cards we make during ourcrafting sessions are saved and we can use them at anytime to send cards to loved one or to one another for ourbirthdays if we wish, its so nice that we use the things we spend time making and receiving a hand made cards feelsextra special.


Floor darts is a great group game played here at Hill House, we know by staying connected with others helps give us a sense of purpose and a true sense of belonging, while exercise is extremely important for a high quality of life, theconnections you make with others and the relationships you continue to build also have a major impact on youroverall wellness. Floor darts was followed by a social Quiz on England before lunch.


After lunch across the home, we engaged in movement to music half hour exercise programme, this week it included ball games, musical instrument playing and singing.

Afterwards a game of skittles was enjoyed, while others played card games or reminisced while looking through familyphoto albums.

We love to celebrate life here at Hill house and this week we helped celebrate a very special couples 65th weddinganniversary, staff sung congratulations and presented a cake to the happy couple, they read their card from the queentogether over a slice of cake and tea. and having loved ones around.


Thursday morning our floristry group met in two smaller groups to arrange this week’s stunning red and whitethemed floral arrangements.


After lunch we played word puzzle games in the garden, and took walks around the home while chatting with friends.


Our cooking club this week chose to bake cupcakes for St Georges day, A lot of us have positive memories when itcomes to baking; as a familiar family activity growing up, or possibly something they did with their own children. Thesmell of fresh bakes in the oven can conjure up images of happy times spent with friends and loved ones. Smell is a powerful way to trigger memories, and can help remind seniors with dementia of familiar activities they onceenjoyed.


Friday morning, we painted St Georges day themed bunting and flags to be displayed around the home.



Our special St Georges Day lunch at Hill House we dinned alfresco in the spring sunshine afternoon as we tucked intofish & chip from the local chip shop. followed by 99 ice cream cones in the sunshine.

“you can’t beat having proper fish & Chips’ .


The fish and chips were enjoyed by everyone served in the cardboard boxes with lashings on vinegar, sauce or salt ifwe wished, a true English feast.


We spent the afternoon feeding the fish up by the pond and listened to music and chatted about pets we haveowned over the years.


Saturday morning as part of our themed week we took on a giant jigsaw puzzle of great Britain we then spent timechatting about holidaying around the UK on bus trips or with families.


The afternoon we choose between a movie afternoon or a game of floor bowls in the lounge. Floor bowls is playedfor the challenge and competition, personal enjoyment, activity, the pleasure of spending time indoors or outdoorsand for social interaction. It is also a low-impact, therapeutic form of exercise.


Sunday morning is a time for relaxation and reflection at Hill house, an early morning Methodist church service wasrequested by two of our Methodist residents it was lived streamed via the TV in the lounge it included hymns andsermons. Others opted for a late breakfast or picture pairs games and sensory cogs.


Our Church of England church service was later in the morning and everyone joined for hymns and pray.




In the afternoon we used one of the iPads to take a virtual tour around the globe theatre and Buckingham palace. Agroup of us played snakes and ladders, dominoes or movie.