Hill House was transformed and filled with our lovely residents’ family and friends. Even though it was pouring with rain outside, laughter and chatter filled every corner inside, creating a warm ambiance. Colourful decorations added cheer, making it feel like a true celebration.

The aroma of the barbecue filled the air, making our mouths water. The BBQ served a feast fit for a king, with sizzling sausages, chicken, kebabs and burgers. Tempting side dishes were laid out on the table.

Refreshing beverages flowed freely, with lemonade, wine, and beers passed around. Glasses clinked and cheers filled the room as toasts were raised to the fathers for upcoming father’s day.

The afternoon was topped off with a sing-along led by performer Tony. Voices harmonized and laughter filled the air as favourite songs were belted out. The perfect ending to a fabulous afternoon.